Living water!
I am so excited to finally have my own blog! For my first post I will share a little about the name I chose. Hope you enjoy it!
As I look around in our world today, I see people searching to fill the hole they feel in their lives.
Some seek to fill it with earthly pleasures, wealth, and fame, while others turn to novels, movies, music, relationships, or addictions, just to mention a few. They cram all these things into their lives, but yet they feel so empty,so lost and alone, like they are wondering down a dark ally, in the muck and mire of sin.
These are the ones Jesus looks upon with pitying eyes and says, come drink of this living water that I shall give you, and you shall never again thirst, and you shall be as a well-spring of joy that overflows to everyone around you.
These are the ones Jesus looks upon with pitying eyes and says, come drink of this living water that I shall give you, and you shall never again thirst, and you shall be as a well-spring of joy that overflows to everyone around you.
But we must daily drink of this fountain of living water,or we too will feel an emptiness, and seek to fill the hole with the things of this world, which only makes the hole deeper and deeper.
It wont be easy at times to travel this road, but if we, moment by moment drink of the pure refreshing water that Jesus has to offer, we shall have an experience with Christ that nothing in this whole wide world could ever compare! :)
Here are some beautiful words from the pen of Mrs.White,
“The road may be rough and the ascent steep; there may be pitfalls upon the right hand and upon the left; we may have to endure toil in our journey; when longing for rest, we may have to toil on; when faint, we may have to fight; when discouraged, we must still hope; but with Christ as our guide we shall not fail of reaching the desired haven at last. Christ himself has trodden the rough way before us and has smoothed the path for our feet. And all the way up the steep road leading to eternal life are well-springs of joy to refresh the weary. Those who walk in wisdom's ways are, even in tribulation, exceeding joyful; for He whom their soul loveth, walks, invisible, beside them. At each upward step they discern more distinctly the touch of His hand; at every step brighter gleamings of glory from the unseen fall upon their path; and their songs of praise reaching ever a higher note ascend to join the songs of angels before the throne.”
“The road may be rough and the ascent steep; there may be pitfalls upon the right hand and upon the left; we may have to endure toil in our journey; when longing for rest, we may have to toil on; when faint, we may have to fight; when discouraged, we must still hope; but with Christ as our guide we shall not fail of reaching the desired haven at last. Christ himself has trodden the rough way before us and has smoothed the path for our feet. And all the way up the steep road leading to eternal life are well-springs of joy to refresh the weary. Those who walk in wisdom's ways are, even in tribulation, exceeding joyful; for He whom their soul loveth, walks, invisible, beside them. At each upward step they discern more distinctly the touch of His hand; at every step brighter gleamings of glory from the unseen fall upon their path; and their songs of praise reaching ever a higher note ascend to join the songs of angels before the throne.”
Doesn't that portray a beautiful walk with our savior! My prayer is that I may be a Well-spring of joy to the world around me, that their thirsty souls may be quenched with that pure living water! May this be a goal for all of us! I hope this blog will be a blessing to all that take time to read it!
May God bless us all as we strive to be like Him!
Your fellow traveler,
Cortney :)
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